One cannot achieve physical health with just one day of exercise and one day of eating healthy food. It is a continuous process which should become a part of your daily routine. A healthy routine is the key.
Silence is one of the most powerful tool that an individual could have. Try and give ‘silence’ a chance and you will be amazed to see how wonderfully it could work for you.
It is difficult, but negative emotions turn into long term anxiety and depression. Focus on navigating your negative energy by engaging in various activities.
With so much information being available, it is important to understand that there is no single rule that works for all. The best way is to try and test what works best for your body. With simple lifestyle changes, it is possible to be healthy.
Anger is a common negative emotion experienced by everyone at some point of time. But rather than bashing out at someone, one needs to take a PAUSE, give it a thought and then react accordingly. Being emotionally intelligent rather than acting on impulse can help you cope with it.